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Symptoms Of NT

Everyone is unique and people with NT may not exhibit all of these symptoms, and people who do not have NT may still exhibit some of these behaviors.

Common Symptoms

  • Resistance to minor deviations from ‘expected’ behavior
  • Frustration when others are unable to pick up on indirect ‘cues’ or hidden meanings
  • Pointless and unnecessary social rituals
  • Rigid adherence to social norms, even when they are illogical or counterproductive
  • Obsession with a rigid social order
  • Frequent natural usage of ‘white lies’
  • Compulsive need for social validation, often outweighing individuality and in some cases safety
  • Significant emotional distress when feeling socially excluded, even in trivial contexts
  • Following fashion trends and styles dictated by popular culture, with little regard for personal preference or practicality.
  • Frequent judgement of others based on superficial characteristics such as clothing, hairstyle, or mannerisms.
  • Difficulty in distinguishing between one’s own emotions and the emotions of others, leading to emotional burnout.
  • Preference for mediums of interaction capable of conveying more social cues, often face-to-face conversation or video/voice call, even when other methods are more efficient or practical (e.x. calling someone to say something that could have been sent via text message, calling a meeting when the information could have been sent via email)

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